
Git Knowledge I Use Every Day

In this post, I will present some of the Git commands that I have come to use regurlarly in my day to day work. I am anything but a Git power user, but I am working to change that, command by command. And along with my Git skills, this post will grow, command by command. I hope that it will also help you towards becoming a more confident Git user!

Amending a Commit

Messed Up a Commit?

git commit --amend

Let’s say you just committed some meaningful work that you are very proud of. Now you would like to push it to your repo and share it with everyone. But what’s that? You called that one variable youre_variable instead of your_variable? Left in some obscure debugging output? And that line is indented one space too far! That’s terrible. You don’t want everyone to know about that by creating a new commit with an explicit message and explicit changes, basically displaying your concentration lapses to everyone on a silver platter! (More importantly, it can lead to a cluttered Git history.)

git commit --amend is here for you. It re-opens the previous commit you made and lets you add to it. First, fix what you would like to fix and stage those changes. Then git commit --amend. You will now also get the chance to edit the commit message of the last commit. Once this is saved, your fixes are now contained in the previous commit! Of course, you can also directly git commit --amend -m "Updated commit message". However I always prefer the former, as I get to see again what my previous commit’s message was, making sure I’m not overwriting anything important.

Note If you have already pushed the commit you would like to amend and then try pushing the amended commit, Git will prompt you to pull first, because your local and remote branches have diverged. This makes sense, because now your most recent commit has changes that remote does not have. You could force push, but of course that is never advisable if multiple people are working on your branch. So think before you push 😁

Easy Switching Between Branches

Forgot the Previous Branch’s Name?

git checkout -

Naming things in a descriptive way is very important. However this can cause a bit of a headache when working with very descriptively named Git branches. Suppose you named your feature branch feature/a-very-specific-feature-brach-name, and quickly had to switch to main to inspect something. Check over, lets head back to your feature branch. What was it called again? feature/very-specific-feature-brach-name? Or feature/a-very-specific-brach-name? I struggle with this after a few hours of work. Of course you could just git branch every time, to list all the branch names in your local Git repo. But then you need to look for your branch name and type it into the console each time.

This is where git checkout - comes in. Can you guess what it does? That’s right! It simply and quickly checks out the branch you were on before heading over to main. Forgot some detail of what you had just inspected in main? Jump right back over there with git checkout -. As you can see, this is an incredibly useful and time-saving command, especially when regularly switching between branches. It also greatly reduces brain fatigue experienced when trying to remember a bunch of branch names, in addition to juggling function and variable names from your actual program. Every little bit helps!

Viewing Your Changes

Forgot to Commit Your Code Yesterday?

If you’re like me, you’ll have totally forgotten what code you wrote since the previous commit. This command will get your memory back up to speed:

git diff

It will show you the “diff”-erence between your previous commit and the changes you made since then. Diffs are a core Git concept and there’s a lot more to them than that. But for a quick check of what you have been dabbling in since the last commit, it does the trick - as long as the changes are still in the working directory, and have not been staged yet.

If you need the diff between your staged changes and the previous commit, this flag is your savior:

git diff --cached

And if you did commit your code yesterday, but simply forgot what the last completed task was, you can take a look at the diff between your previous commit and the one before that like this:

git diff HEAD HEAD~1

HEAD references the most recent Git commit on the branch that you’re on, and HEAD~1 references that commit’s immediate parent.

Resetting Changes

Broke Some Code, But Your Boss Didn’t Like That?

The notorious git reset is your friend! It’s that one friend that can also give you a headache. However, if we know the friend well, we can get around that.

The quick way is to simply use git reset --hard and everything you changed since the last commit is undone. But what if you already committed the broken code? Luckily, there is a way to undo this as well. That way is: git reset --hard HEAD~1. But before happily resetting everything, please read on!

What is HEAD~1? Remember the git diff section? HEAD is a pointer to your current commit, and HEAD~1 is pointing to this commit’s parent, i.e. the commit that came before the current commit. Using this as part of the git reset command moves the HEAD pointer back to your previous commit.

But that’s the brutal way, bringing your code back to the state of the previous commit. All the changes in the most recent commit are gone, even if there were any that you wanted to keep.

Fortunately, there is a more nuanced way we can go about this.

Those are the soft, mixed, or hard ways. Here’s a quick rundown of what each of them means.

git reset --soft HEAD~1

Simply undoes the commit itself. All the broken code (and all changes in general) you created since the last commit is still there and staged, but not part of a commit.

git reset --mixed HEAD~1

Undoes the commit and unstages the last commit’s code. This is what Git applies if you type git reset as well. This way, you can delete all the faulty code and keep what you want to keep.

git reset --hard HEAD~1

Undoes all changes of the last commit. This one is called “hard” because you should think really hard before using this command. It’s usually safer to simply use git reset.

Of course, if you would like to reset to older commits, replace HEAD~1 by HEAD~x, x being the amount of commits you want to reset.

If you omit the HEAD~1, the same applies, however without shifting the HEAD pointer (i.e. without moving you back to your previous commit):

git reset --soft

Doesn’t do anything. Staged changes remain staged, the working directory remains in its current state.

git reset --mixed

Unstages any staged code.

git reset --hard

Unstages and removes any changes from the working directory.

If you’re busy working with Git commands, never Up Arrow + Enter without thinking. It has caused me significant pain and I hope to be able to spare you some of that!

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